Please click on the documents below to view the monthly financials for 2023.
2023 Monthly Financials - Liberty Square
Caroline Miller
Modified on: Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 10:24 AM
Jan. Financials - Liberty Square.pdf
(542 KB)
Feb. Financials - Liberty Square.pdf
(575 KB)
Mar. Financials - Liberty Square.pdf
(578 KB)
Apr. Financials - Liberty Square.pdf
(607 KB)
May Financials - Liberty Square.pdf
(606 KB)
June Financials - Liberty Square.pdf
(623 KB)
July Financials - Liberty Square.pdf
(623 KB)
Aug. Financials - Liberty Square.pdf
(619 KB)
Sept Financials - Liberty Square.pdf
(619 KB)
Oct. Financials - Liberty Square.pdf
(634 KB)
Nov. Financials - Liberty Square.pdf
(642 KB)